Sustainable Nursery Production Course Information Sheet

Course Overview and Expected Learning Outcomes

This course is taught in the Spring semester of even years and addresses issues and practices involved in production of a quality nursery crop for sale. We will discuss a variety of topics including, but not limited to locating a nursery, nursery layout, plant nutrition, plant water relations and irrigation needs, shipping, and managing people and resources to produce the crop. Taught by Oklahoma State University.

Expected Learning Outcomes: 

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1) Compare and contrast site needs for container production, field production, or combinations of container and field production (use of pot-in-pot or fabric containers).
2) Evaluate the need for fertilizer application based on soil tests, foliar analysis, and plant symptoms.
3) Compare and contrast drip and sprinkler irrigation of nursery crops based on water use, installation costs, and maintenance costs.
4) Employ sound crop production methods to produce a nursery crop while limiting environmental impacts.

The campus coordinator for Oklahoma State University is Brianna Cooper-Kordinak ( and the course management system is Canvas.

Dr. Bruce Dunn (405)744-6462 (office phone)
Required Text(s)

Davidson, H., R. Mecklenburg, and C. Peterson. 2000. Nursery Management Administration and Culture. 4th ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.  ISBN 0-13-857996-2 Agnew, M.L., N.H. Agnew, N.E. Christians, and A.M. VanDerZanden. 2008. Mathematics for the Green Industry.  John Wiley & Sonds,  Hoboken, NJ. ISBN 978-0-470-13672-0

Agnew, M.L., N.H. Agnew, N.E. Christians, and A.M. VanDerZanden. 2008. Mathematics for the Green Industry. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ. ISBN 978-0-470-13672-0.

Other Required Publications:
American Standard for Nursery Stock. Can be downloaded or printed free at

Course at Enrolling Institution:
University of Arkansas:  Sustainable Nursery Production: HORT 4503 (UG) and HORT 5503 (GR)
Louisiana State University:   Sustainable Ornamental Production: HORT 4072
Mississippi State University:    Sustainable Nursery Production: PSS 4363 (UG) and PSS 6363 (GR)
Oklahoma State University:   Sustainable Nursery Production: HORT 4543 (UG) and HORT 5543 (GR)