Nexus of Global Horticulture and Human Nutrition to Enhance Community Resilience and Food Security

Course Overview and Expected Learning Outcomes

This course is taught Spring of even years by the University of Arkansas. This module provides a broad overview of the nexus of horticulture, nutrition, and sustainable development in the context of international efforts to reach global food security. Students will understand the need for interdisciplinary approaches to addressing the grand challenges facing the United States and other developed or developing nations around the world and will be able to communicate how their individual fields of study can contribute to these interdisciplinary efforts.

The campus coordinator is Madison Fielding ( and the course management system is Blackboard.

Dr. Matt Bertucci
(479)575-2790 (office phone)
Required Text(s)

No required text

Course at Enrolling Institution:
University of Arkansas:  Nexus of Global Horticulture and Human Nutrition to Enhance Community Resilience and Food Security: HORT 5993
Nexus of Global Horticulture and Human Nutrition to Enhance Community Resilience and Food Security: HORT 4993
Louisiana State University:   See your campus coordinator
Mississippi State University:    See your campus coordinator
Oklahoma State University:   See your campus coordinator