Greenhouse Management Course Information Sheet
Course Overview
This course is offered every fall semester, and is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the principles of greenhouse and controlled environments management. Students will learn about types of greenhouse structures, greenhouse structural materials and components as well as about greenhouse heating and cooling. Additionally, students will gain an in-depth understanding of irrigation systems, water quality, soils, fertilization and plant growth regulators. Please note: Students may be required to film responses and other materials for the course using Kaltura and uploading into Blackboard.
Prerequisites: Principles of Horticulture and General Chemistry or equivalents.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should:
1) Understand basic greenhouse designs and construction materials.
2) Understand plant mineral nutrition as it applies to greenhouse crops production.
3) Understand how to manage the soil-water-mineral nutrition triad as it applies to greenhouse crops production.
4) Understand plant growth regulators and how they can be used effectively in greenhouses.
5) Understand how to manipulate temperature and photoperiod to control greenhouse crop growth and development.
The campus coordinator for the University of Arkansas is Madison Fielding ( and the course management system is BlackBoard.
Dr. Ryan Dickson
(479)575-2533 (office)
Required Text(s)
There is no required text for this class.