How to Join
There are no membership or joining fees for institutions to participate in the ACCEPtS program. Institutions may participate in ACCEPtS as either Alliance Members or Institutional Affiliates.
Alliance Member
Alliance Members include institutions with agricultural plant science units that provide at least one ACCEPtS course and receive at least one ACCEPtS course per fiscal year (defined as beginning July 1 and ending June 30 for all ACCEPtS purposes). Alliance Members shall participate in the governance of ACCEPtS. Each Alliance Member has two representatives approved by an administrator of academic programs at the institution and two votes on the ACCEPtS Coordinating Committee. Alliance Members participate fully in the tuition sharing agreement outlined in the Institutional Agreement.
Institutional Affiliate
Institutional Affiliates include institutions that choose only to receive at least one course from ACCEPtS but do not provide (teach) any ACCEPtS courses. Institutional Affiliates do not have voting privileges on the ACCEPtS Coordinating Committee and are not required to attend meetings of the Coordinating Committee annual meetings. Institutional Affiliates participate in revenue sharing as outline in the Institutional Agreement.
Any institution requesting membership as an Alliance Member or Institutional Affiliate in the ACCEPtS shall submit a request (including approval of the Institutional Agreement) to the Chair of the ACCEPtS Coordinating Committee. New Alliance Members and Institutional Affiliates are approved by a simple majority vote of the Coordinating Committee.
To remain in good standing, Alliance Members of ACCEPtS must provide and receive at least one course per fiscal year offered by ACCEPtS, participate in the tuition exchange program, and attend annual Coordinating Committee meetings. Institutional Affiliates shall participate by providing enrollment in courses (receiving courses) taught through ACCEPtS and payment of fees through tuition exchange but will not be involved in providing ACCEPtS courses and are not required to attend annual Coordinating Committee meetings.
An Alliance Member may terminate its membership in ACCEPtS by submitting a letter to the ACCEPtS Coordinating Committee stating its intention to withdraw from ACCEPtS. Member institutions must give a one year notice of intent to terminate membership, unless waived by the ACCEPtS Coordinating Committee. Institutional Affiliates must renew their membership annually (no later than June 1) and notify the ACCEPtS Coordinating Committee of their intention to continue to participate and receive courses. Failure to maintain good standing over a two-year period shall be reviewed by the ACCEPtS Coordinating Committee and may result in the loss of membership in ACCEPtS. Removal is decided by a simple majority vote with the institution in question being allowed to vote.
For more information about participating in ACCEPtS, see the Institutional Agreement and/or contact Dr. Ryan Dickson ( at the University of Arkansas.
For Students
For Universities